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Помогите создать АКК

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Помогите создать акк у мня ниче неполучаеться.Я создавал акк с помощу mueditor-a  создал все норм ,запускаю в му (а эт хоршо когда нету конекта а сразу открываетьсы окно где вписувать акк и пас?) вписую тот акк что я создал оно мне пишыт что "Invalid akkaunt" подскажыте что это может быть?:



Ток что сталкнулся с этой проблеммой на сервере 1.04R+

Обошел эт дело создав регалку (файл index.php):

<style type="text/css">
body {
	background-color: #ededed;
.style1 {
	font-size: 11px;
	color: #000000;
.style2 {
	font-size: 11px;
	font-weight: bold;
	color: #333333;
<title>Регистрация MuOnline на сервере</title>

require ("config.php");
require_once "sql_inject.php"; 

if (isset($_POST["registration"]))
	echo '<p><span class="style111"><strong>Результат регистрации</strong></span><p>';
	if ((isset($_COOKIE['pass'])) && (isset($_COOKIE['user']))); {

	$account = stripslashes($_POST['account']);
	$password = stripslashes($_POST['password']);
	$repassword = stripslashes($_POST['repassword']);
	$email = $_POST['email'];
	$idcode = $_POST['idcode'];
	$squestion = stripslashes($_POST['question']);
	$sanswer = stripslashes($_POST['answer']);
	$verifyinput = stripslashes($_POST['verifyinput']);
	$verifyinput2 = stripslashes($_POST['verifyinput2']);

	$account = clean_var($account);
	$password = clean_var($password);
	$repassword = clean_var($repassword);
	$email = clean_var($email);
	$idcode = clean_var($idcode);
	$squestion = clean_var($squestion);
	$sanswer = clean_var($sanswer);
	$verifyinput = clean_var($verifyinput); 
	$verifyinput2 = clean_var($verifyinput2); 


	$bDestroy_session = TRUE; 
	$url_redirect = 'index.php'; 
	$sqlinject = new sql_inject('./log_file_sql.log',$bDestroy_session,$url_redirect) ; 

	$username_check = mssql_query("SELECT memb___id FROM MEMB_INFO WHERE memb___id='$account'"); 
	$username_verify = mssql_num_rows($username_check);  

	$email_check = mssql_query("SELECT mail_addr FROM MEMB_INFO WHERE mail_addr='$email'"); 
	$email_verify = mssql_num_rows($email_check);

	if ( empty($account) || empty($password) || empty($repassword) || empty($email) || empty($squestion) || empty($sanswer) || empty($verifyinput2) ||empty($idcode)){echo "<img src=./images/warning.gif> Ошибка: не все поля заполнены!";}
	elseif (ereg('[^0-9]', $idcode)){echo "<img src=./images/warning.gif> Ошибка: в ид коде должны быть только цифры "; }
	elseif ($username_verify > 0){echo "<img src=./images/warning.gif> Ошибка: такой логин уже существует "; }
	elseif ($email_verify > 0){echo "<img src=./images/warning.gif> Ошибка: E-mail уже используется "; }
	elseif (($password != $repassword) || ($repassword != $password)){echo "<img src=./images/warning.gif> Ошибка: ваши коды не совпадают. "; }
	elseif ($verifyinput != $verifyinput2){echo "<img src=./images/warning.gif> Ошибка: вернитесь и повторно введите проверочный код."; }

else {
$msquery2 = "INSERT INTO MEMB_INFO (memb___id,memb__pwd,memb_name,sno__numb,mail_addr,appl_days,modi_days,out__days,true_days,mail_chek,bloc_code,ctl1_code,fpas_ques,fpas_answ) VALUES ('$account','$password','gogame','$idcode','$email','01/01/2006','01/01/2006','01/01/2006','01/01/2006','1','0','0','$squestion','$sanswer')";
$msquery3 = "INSERT INTO VI_CURR_INFO (ends_days,chek_code,used_time,memb___id,memb_name,memb_guid,sno__numb,Bill_Section,Bill_value,Bill_Hour,Surplus_Point,Surplus_Minute,Increase_Days )  VALUES ('2005','1',1234,'$account','zzz',1,'7','6','3','6','6','2003-11-23 10:36:00','0')";


//$msresults= mssql_query($msquery1);
$msresults= mssql_query($msquery2);
$msresults= mssql_query($msquery3);

echo "<img src=./images/ok.gif>Аккаунт создан удачно";
} else {

<form action="index.php" method="post" name="register" id="register">
<table width="47%"  border="0" align="center">
    <td width="16%" class="style2"> Login: </td>
    <td width="84%" class="style1"><input name="account" type="text" class="style" id="account" size="20" maxlength="10"></td>
    <td class="style2"> E-mail: </td>
    <td class="style1"><input name="email" type="text" class="style" id="email" size="20" maxlength="50"></td>
    <td class="style2">Password:</td>
    <td class="style1"><input name="password" type="password" class="style" id="password" size="15" maxlength="10"></td>
    <td class="style2">RePassword:</td>
    <td class="style1"><input name="repassword" type="password" class="style" id="repassword" size="15" maxlength="10"></td>
    <td class="style2">ID code: </td>
    <td class="style1"><input name="idcode" type="text" class="style" id="idcode" size="15" maxlength="7"> 
      (введите 7 цифр)</td>
  	<td colspan="2" class="style1"><p><br>
    Для востановления пароля</p>    </td>
    <td class="style2">Вопрос:</td>
    <td class="style1"><input name="question" type="text" class="style" id="question" size="15" maxlength="10"></td>
    <td class="style2">Ответ:</td>
    <td class="style1"><input name="answer" type="text" class="style" id="answer" size="15" maxlength="10"></td>
  	<td colspan="2" class="style1"><p><br>
    Защита от ботов </p>    </td>
    <td class="style2">&nbsp;</td>
    <td class="style1">
	<?php require 'config.php'; print("$verify"); ?>
	<input name="verifyinput" type="hidden" id="verifyinput" value="<?PHP print("$verify"); ?>"></td>
    <td class="style2">Код:</td>
    <td class="style1"><input name="verifyinput2" type="text" class="style" id="verifyinput2" size="8" maxlength="10"></td>
    <td class="style1"><input name="registration" type="hidden" id="registration" value="registration"></td>
<table width="200" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="5">
  <td><div align="right"><a href="#"><img src="./images/button_login.gif" width="49" height="16" border="0" onclick="if((register.account.value.length==0 || register.email.value.length==0 || register.password.value.length==0 || register.repassword.value.length==0 || register.question.value.length==0 || register.answer.value.length==0 )) alert('Не все поля заполнены!'); 
  	if ((register.account.value.length<4 || register.email.value.length<4 || register.password.value.length<4 || register.repassword.value.length<4 || register.question.value.length<4 || register.answer.value.length<4)) alert('Значения не должны быть меньше 4 символов!');
  	if (register.account.value.length>3 && register.email.value.length>3 && register.password.value.length>3 && register.repassword.value.length>3 && register.question.value.length>3 && register.answer.value.length>3){ register.submit()};
  <td><a href="#"><img src="./images/button_cancel.gif" width="49" height="16" border="0" onclick='register.reset();'></a></td>

<? } ?>

Файл config.php:

//error_reporting(E_ALL ^E_NOTICE ^E_WARNING);
$msdb=mssql_select_db("MuOnline", $msconnect);

$verify = (rand()%9999);

Файл sql_check.php:


// Anti-SQL Injection 
function check_inject() 
    $badchars = array(";","'","*","/"," \ ","DROP", "SELECT", "UPDATE", "DELETE", "drop", "select", "update", "delete", "WHERE", "where", "-1", "-2", "-3","-4", "-5", "-6", "-7", "-8", "-9","%","^","&","-","]","[","="); 
    foreach($_POST as $value) 
	$value = clean_variable($value);

	if(in_array($value, $badchars)) 
        die("На странице произошла ошибка. Ваши данные сохранены и будут проанализированы администратором!\n<br />\nIP: ".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); 
        $check = preg_split("//", $value, -1, PREG_SPLIT_OFFSET_CAPTURE); 
        foreach($check as $char) 
          if(in_array($char, $badchars)) 
            die("На странице произошла ошибка. Ваши данные сохранены и будут проанализированы администратором!\n<br />\nIP: ".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); 
function clean_variable($var) 
	$newvar = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\_\-]/', '', $var); 
	return $newvar; 


Файл sql_inject.php:


class sql_inject
  * @shortdesc url to redirect if an sql inject attempt is detect. if unset, value is FALSE
  * @private
  * @type mixed
    var $urlRedirect;
  * @shortdesc does the session must be destroy if an attempt is detect
  * @private
  * @type bool
    var $bdestroy_session;
  * @shortdesc the SQL data currently test
  * @private
  * @type string
    var $rq;
  * @shortdesc if not FALSE, the url to the log file
  * @private
  * @type mixed
    var $bLog;
  * Builder
  * @param bool bdestroy_session optional. does the session must be destroy if an attempt is detect?
  * @param string urlRedirect optional. url to redirect if an sql inject attempt is detect
     * @public
  * @type void
    function sql_inject($mLog=FALSE,$bdestroy_session=FALSE,$urlRedirect=FALSE)
        $this->bLog = (($mLog!=FALSE)?$mLog:'');
        $this->urlRedirect = (((trim($urlRedirect)!='') && file_exists($urlRedirect))?$urlRedirect:'');
        $this->bdestroy_session = $bdestroy_session;
        $this->rq = '';

  * @shortdesc test if there is a sql inject attempt detect
  * test if there is a sql inject attempt detect
  * @param string sRQ required. SQL Data to test
     * @public
  * @type bool
    function test($sRQ)
        $sRQ = strtolower($sRQ);
        $this->rq = $sRQ;
        $aValues = array();
        $aTemp = array(); // temp array
        $aWords = array(); //
        $aSep = array(' and ',' or '); // separators for detect the
        $sConditions = '(';
        $matches = array();
        $sSep = '';
        // is there an attempt to unused part of the rq?
        if (is_int((strpos($sRQ,"#")))&&$this->_in_post('#')) return $this->detect();
        // is there a attempt to do a 2nd SQL requete ?
        if (is_int(strpos($sRQ,';'))){
            $aTemp = explode(';',$sRQ);
            if ($this->_in_post($aTemp[1])) return $this->detect();
        $aTemp = explode(" where ",$sRQ);
        if (count($aTemp)==1) return FALSE;
        $sConditions = $aTemp[1];
        $aWords = explode(" ",$sConditions);
        if(strcasecmp($aWords[0],'select')!=0) $aSep[] = ',';
        $sSep = '('.implode('|',$aSep).')';
        $aValues = preg_split($sSep,$sConditions,-1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);

        // test the always true expressions
        foreach($aValues as $i => $v)
            // SQL injection like 1=1 or a=a or 'za'='za'
            if (is_int(strpos($v,'=')))
                 $aTemp = explode('=',$v);
                 if (trim($aTemp[0])==trim($aTemp[1])) return $this->detect();
            //SQL injection like 1<>2
            if (is_int(strpos($v,'<>')))
                $aTemp = explode('<>',$v);
                if ((trim($aTemp[0])!=trim($aTemp[1]))&& ($this->_in_post('<>'))) return $this->detect();
        if (strpos($sConditions,' null'))
            if (preg_match("/null +is +null/",$sConditions)) return $this->detect();
            if (preg_match("/is +not +null/",$sConditions,$matches))
                foreach($matches as $i => $v)
                    if ($this->_in_post($v))return $this->detect();
        if (preg_match("/[a-z0-9]+ +between +[a-z0-9]+ +and +[a-z0-9]+/",$sConditions,$matches))
            $Temp = explode(' between ',$matches[0]);
            $Evaluate = $Temp[0];
            $Temp = explode(' and ',$Temp[1]);
            if ((strcasecmp($Evaluate,$Temp[0])>0) && (strcasecmp($Evaluate,$Temp[1])<0) && $this->_in_post($matches[0])) return $this->detect();
        return FALSE;

    function _in_post($value)
        foreach($_POST as $i => $v)
             if (is_int(strpos(strtolower($v),$value))) return TRUE;
        return FALSE;

    function detect()
        // log the attempt to sql inject?
        if ($this->bLog)
            $fp = @fopen($this->bLog,'a+');
            if ($fp)
                fputs($fp,"\r\n".date("d-m-Y H:i:s").' ['.$this->rq.'] from '.$this->sIp = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"));
        // destroy session?
        if ($this->bdestroy_session) session_destroy();
        // redirect?
        if ($this->urlRedirect!=''){
             if (!headers_sent())  header("location: $this->urlRedirect");
        return TRUE;

function protect1($protected) { // This Will be the fuction we call to protect the variables.
	$banlist = array ("'", "\"", "<", "\\", "|", "/", "=", "insert", "select", "update", "delete", "distinct", "having", "truncate", "replace", "handler", "like", "procedure", "limit", "order by", "group by", "asc", "desc"); 
	//$banlist is the list of words you dont want to allow.
	if ( eregi ( "[a-zA-Z0-9@]+", $protected ) ) { // Makes sure only legitimate Characters are used.
  $protected = trim(str_replace($banlist, '', $protected)); // Takes out whitespace, and removes any banned words.
  return $protected;
  //echo "+";
	} else {
  //echo "-";
  echo $protected;
  die ( ' Is invalid for that spot, please try a different entry.' ); // Message if thier is any characters not in [a-zA-Z0-9].
	} // ends the if ( eregi ( "[a-zA-Z0-9]+", $this->protected ) ) {
} // ends the function Protect() {

function protect2($protected) { // This Will be the fuction we call to protect the variables.
	$banlist = array ("'", "\"", "<", "\\", "|", "/", "=", "insert", "select", "update", "delete", "distinct", "having", "truncate", "replace", "handler", "like", "procedure", "limit", "order by", "group by", "asc", "desc"); 
	//$banlist is the list of words you dont want to allow.
	if ( eregi ( "[0-9]+", $protected ) ) { // Makes sure only legitimate Characters are used.
  $protected = trim(str_replace($banlist, '', $protected)); // Takes out whitespace, and removes any banned words.
  return $protected;
  //echo "+";
	} else {
  //echo "-";
  echo $protected;
  die ( ' Is invalid for that spot, please try a different entry.' ); // Message if thier is any characters not in [a-zA-Z0-9].
	} // ends the if ( eregi ( "[a-zA-Z0-9]+", $this->protected ) ) {
} // ends the function Protect() {


Файл includes/functions.php:

if (eregi("includes/functions.php", $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])) { die ("Access Denied!"); }

function clean_var($var=NULL) {
$newvar = @preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\_\-\.]/', '', $var);
if (@preg_match('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\_\-\.]/', $var)) { }
return $newvar;

Извиняюсь что выложил просто код, а не файлы, но мне так удобнее ;-)


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